Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Polarity and molecular shape lab

Title: Polarity and Molecular shape lab

Statement of the Problem:

* We are trying construct molecular shapes by looking at their Lewis structure and see if we could determine polarity.

* We found out that there was one resonance structure and a majority of the structures were indeed polar.

Hypothesis: The molecules with hydrogen and oxygen will not be polar due to their electro negativity with other elements.


*we had small little tubes like structures that were our bonds, and we had small little round molecules which acted as our central atom.


* We had determine the Lewis structures of following molecules such as SF3 or H2O and the resonance structure SO3 (-2) we then constructed the molecules by the following Lewis structure we had just done for that individual molecule. We then looked at the structure and determined the polarity simply by looking at the structure. There was one resonance structure.

Results (Data):

Octahedral, 90 degree, non-polar, resonance

Tetrahedron, 90-109.5, degrees, non-polar, and non-resonance

Tetrahedron, 109.5 degrees, non-polar, non-resonance

T-Shaped, 120 degrees, polar, and non-resonance

Octahedral, 90 degrees, non-polar, and non-resonance

Tetrahedron, 180 degrees, non-polar, and non-resonance

Tetrahedron, 90-109.5 degrees, and polar and non-resonance

Tetrahedron, 109.5 degrees, non-polar, and non-resonance


* Our hypothesis was somewhat rejected because there was some molecules with hydrogen that were polar.

We had all learned about how you can determine polarity just by looking at the structure and that we could make Lewis structures and create models by using there Lewis structure

Problems that could have occurred that our calculation of the electro negativity between the molecules so that would throw off our polarity accuracy.

By: James, Marco, Justin


  1. Excellent work on the pictures!!! very informative!

  2. you deffinatly have a lack in words.haha
    but i like how you set up the pictures

  3. Good Pics! But where are words?!?!?!?! OMG lol

  4. I like how you did the pictures. It's a very user-friendly format. I'm going to refrain from the words thing because EVERYONE has told you, so I'm sure you already know and you're probably working on it as I type. Anywho, very good start! Keep going.

    -♥ Period 4 Group 3

  5. From the looks of it, this is going to be a great blog! Already it looks amazing with the pictures! Keep up the good work! :~)

  6. it is not finished yet the hard part of this lab is the uploading of the pictures im sure everyone knows that so therefore i am doing that first then adding the words

  7. Nice Job! keep up the good work. pictures and format are coming along well.
